Charlie Richardson
November 23rd 2008 - May 19 2022
Our Dear Charlie ‘Bug’,
Charlie truly was the sweetest soul. She was always gentle and kind - unless she wanted attention or food- In that case, she would barrel through anyone or anything in her way- with no regrets.
Charlie loved her brother Sam with her whole heart, and always hid behind him if there was perceived danger (blowing leaves, rain on her sweet little face or any unknown noises).
Charlie always had the goofiest smile. She would grin from ear to ear especially when she was in trouble, but also if she was just happy that someone she missed had returned home. Charlie loved anything in baby form. If it was tiny, she felt she needed to take care of or Mother it, no matter if it was real babies, puppies, kittens, or even toys.
You were oh so loved Charlie “bug” and we hope you are sniffing ALL of the sniffs wherever you are. We know Sam was patiently waiting for you- just as he always was here. It makes our hearts happy knowing that you two are reunited for eternity.
Charlie (and Sam) are missed and loved by:
Dani, Becky, Dezmond, Kali, Avery and Brodie and all the neighbours that Charlie loved to smile to!