'Jenny-Any-Stripes Herbert' (aka Jenny)
August 11, 2006 - December 8, 2023
We found our beloved cat Jenny at the SPCA when our daughter Clara was 7. She and Jenny became fast friends and formed a tight bond. Once Mom and Dad were empty nesters that bond transferred to us. We all loved her dearly and her presence in our house is very much missed.
Jenny was not a friendly cat to others, but she was very affectionate and trusting with those of us who were in her orbit on a daily basis. She loved to escape outside whenever she could, and even mastered the ability to open a sliding screen door with her claws! She also had a fierce love of running water, which we were expected to provide for her via a running tap in the bathtub or off of the shower floor. Jenny was generally unwilling to do what you wanted her to do (hey - she was a cat!), but Clara did manage to train her to give "high 5's" which she happily did for a treat. Dad swore Jenny would often 'back talk' to him, getting in the last defiant 'meow' when she was being scolded for something she wasn't supposed to be doing! Mostly she will be remembered for her cuddles on the couch, where she loved to perch on our laps and purr.
Thank you, dear Jenny, for giving us so many marvelous memories of our time with you. You are simply irreplaceable.
With great love,
Larry, Kiri and Clara