Teddy McAuley

August 12th, 2008 - August 1st, 2023

Goodbye my sweet sweet boy. Today you will go to sleep, 11 days shy of your 15th birthday

Teddy, you were the best snuggler, napping buddy, pool lover and workout partner. You tried to be my bath buddy too, jumping into the tub with me twice this year! What a shock that was! 

Never could I eat alone because you insisted on being in my lap even at the kitchen table. You demanded to be carried, especially to bed each night. If we talked to you, you would often reply with a grunt or a snort and it felt like we could have full conversations. 

You were the boss of this house. You had the funniest personality and demanded what you wanted. 

You are SO loved. 

We said goodbye in our favourite chair with us all by your side, even your pal Benji. We often joked you two were our salt and pepper dogs.

Benji came and sat with you as soon as Dr. Erica came to our house. Benji seemed to sense what was happening and he laid his head down on you and snuggled you the entire time, from start to finish. It was so sweet to see Benji comforting you and I’m sure you felt loved and supported as you slept peacefully through the entire appointment. 

You are at peace now sweet boy, we love and miss you SO very much.


Cosmo Witen


Moose Clarke