Willow Gagnon

2007 - March 6, 2023

Today was the end of my wee dog Willow’s journey. She was my very best friend, my sidekick, my shadow. Always checking over her shoulder to make sure I was following her. She had a wonderful adventurous life, and was the best mole hunter ever.

Willow was well-travelled and even went to B.C. with the boy for two years. She enjoyed car rides, camping, ATV’ing and boating. I was never alone. Willow would always look at me with so much love. I was so lucky to have had Willow in my life for the last 16 years. I will miss her everyday.

Enjoy your journey to the stars, my sweet wee dog. I will meet you there when it is my time. ❤️ Mama


Luger Hoelscher


Oscar Peters